Board of Directors


Jack Boyle is the former Vice President of Sales for Constellation Brands, Inc., a wine and spirits corporation based in Victor, New York. Erin was the youngest of Jack’s three daughters. Erin faced many health challenges but always found a way to overcome and excel in whatever she set her mind to do. This Foundation was her wish and the family is inspired by the fact that her legacy lives on through the people being served by it.


Leslie O’Toole is Erin’s oldest sister. She lives in Longwood, Florida with her husband, Sean, and their daughter, Delaney. Prior to Delaney’s birth and staying home full-time, Leslie had a career with a major telecommunications company as a Technical Project Manager.  Leslie will always remember her baby sister by her infectious laugh, love for music, tireless curiosity and zest for life, and remarkable courage to never give up.


Kelly Sweet is Erin’s middle sister and is currently a stay-at-home mom to two children, Molly and Charlie. Kelly’s primary role with the ELB Foundation is serving as a liaison between the Fellows and the Foundation’s Board of Directors. She is passionate about honoring Erin’s legacy through the Foundation and, with her husband Jeff, telling their children about her huge heart, infectious laugh, and incredible courage. Kelly misses her everyday, but is grateful for the Foundation and Fellows living out Erin’s wish through their impactful work.


Dr. Ormsby is a health quality and program evaluation lead at Deloitte, and has taught at Georgetown University since 2004. He has supported national initiatives promoting health quality and patient safety for the Joint Commission, worked in health administration at Mayo Clinic, and was a professional staff member with the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee. Dr. Ormsby had the distinct pleasure of being Erin’s professor and advisor at Georgetown, and then became colleagues with her at Atlas Research supporting the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and Health Insurance Marketplaces, with particular focus on coverage options for high-risk populations.

Rachel Nuzum, MPH

Rachel Nuzum is Vice President for the Federal and State Health Policy initiative at The Commonwealth Fund. She has more than 15 years of experience working in health policy at the federal, state, and local levels of government, as well as in the private sector. Rachel is also on the faculty of Georgetown University’s Graduate School of Nursing and Health Professionals and is on the board of the Winston Health Policy Fellowship.


Morgan Predieri leads the Foundation’s marketing efforts and also supports its fundraising initiatives. Morgan met Erin while living in Washington, D.C. and working as a consultant, where Morgan and Erin worked together on a project in support of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. She fondly remembers Erin as a driven and motivated colleague, as well as a warm-hearted friend.



Reva Stidd supports several of the Foundation’s efforts, including fundraising, event planning, graphic design, and annual report development. Reva and Erin were colleagues at Atlas Research and became fast friends while providing clinical and analytical support to the government agency implementing the Affordable Care Act. Erin continues to be a source of inspiration for Reva, who fondly remembers her infectious laugh, charming enthusiasm, and steadfast courage.

ABBY Rosenberg, MPS

Abby Rosenberg is a Program Manager at Aptive Resources where she provides project management, health care improvement, and qualitative research support to federal clients. Abby and Erin met while working at Atlas Research in Georgetown, and quickly bonded over many late nights in the office, a common love of baked goods, and even a shared birthday; Erin’s infectious laugh brought light and happiness to every situation.

in memory of ELLEN BOYLE

Ellen Boyle (10/27/1953-10/4/2018) was a school guidance counselor before she retired. However, the role she was most passionate about was that of mother and grandmother. Erin was her youngest child. Ellen remembered Erin as always being at the center of everything with her easy laugh and keen mind. Ellen was inspired by Erin’s generosity, grace, and gusto for living.